Author Guidelines

Submitted manuscripts can be in word processor format (.doc or .docx) with up to 4000 words which translate to around 15 pages (including images and references) with 1.5 spacing, single column, font size 11, and 1 inch margins.

A title page clearly showing the following information must be submitted with the paper:

- Paper title
- Full author names
- Affiliation
- Full institutional mailing addresses
- Email addresses

Papers must be practical research articles not submitted elsewhere (or extended versions of previously published work) or review papers. Paper processing would be free of charge for the first and second issues. For the later issues processing charges may apply.

The contact author of the article needs to fill out and submit a copyright with the manuscript. Failure to do so will result in retraction of the paper. All submitted papers will be assigned to a reviewer and the proofs of all accepted papers then will be returned to the author(s) for final review prior to publication.


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